K-YS005 Le Nid aux Secrets
Single sheet, showing a young lady hiding a piece of paper in the neckline of her clothes (the nest of secrets that the title mentions).
Scan donated and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
J-PA132 Anne Orr – Filet Designs And Their Appropriate Uses
Stapled softcover book, 32 pages of which 16 and 17 are joined into one. Many charted designs for filet crochet and photographs of finished items, some combined with cross-stitch embroidery and in color.
From the collection of Iva Rose Reproductions, scanned by Nettie Kraaij and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
I-WB131 The Workbasket Volume 13 October 1947 Number 1
Stapled, 16 pages. Knitting: Slotted Knitted Ascot (neck scarf). Crochet: Table Scarf “Crocheted Weaving”. Advertisement for panholder kits and patterns. Men’s crocheted slippers “Loafers”, Crochet Basket. Directions for making Stocking Doll with dress pattern for dolls dress. Aunt Ellen’s Club Notes. Vanity set “Sweet Stuff” also suitable for chair set. Rickrack and crochet medaillons, crocheted daisies to make a row of flowers. Tatting: Hexagon Tatted Doily, Tatted Point Edging.
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
C-TT003 Boucherit – Grand Album de Modèles pour Filet No. 2
Softcover oblong album, 40 pages of filet patterns of which 20 and 21 are joined as one. The last four pages are small low-res images of larger patterns which were offered for sale. Patterns suitable for filet, filet crochet, cross-stitch and (smaller ones) for beadwork.
Scans donated by Tamara Wijnsma, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
B-YS047 Neueste Stickmuster-Alphabete
Softcover oblong stapled booklet, 12 pages not including covers. Title in three languages though the origin is not English (plural of pattern is patterns and not pattern’s). A single large ornate cross-stitch alphabet with floral decorations. No publisher or date.
Scans donated, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.
A-MH111 Journal des Demoiselles – Quart pattern of an abstract square design
Litho, printed on cream paper, undated supplement to the Journal des Demoiselles.. Pattern restored from being partially mouse-eaten. Abstract design, nearly but not quite square and not symmetrical. Strong colors, suitable for sofa cushions and similar.
From the collection of Marleen van Horssen, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.