O-YS002 Sajou – Dessins de Broderies Album No. 485
Green Sajou booklet, 16 pages not including covers. Mostly whitework: names, borders, corner designs, two alphabets, two pages of braiding patterns, a page with four simple scattered motifs, and several very complex monograms.
Donated, scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
O-YS001 Frl. Johanna Rubli – Schiffchen-Spitzen und ihre Anwendung
Early 20thC book about tatting, 64 pages not including covers. Richly illustrated with items to decorate with tatted edges, corners, and motifs. Tablecloths, childrens caps and clothing, doll clothes, ladies lingerie, bags, and even a lampshade.
Scans donated and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
O-AF001 Men’s Pullman Slipper Set
Single sheet with crochet instructions for a pair of striped slippers. They can be folded once and put in a crocheted case with a zipper, instructions for the case are included. Probably meant as travel accessory.
Donated by Alice Feret, scanned and edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
M-CB006 Spool Cotton Co. – Cotton Accessories for Town and Country Book No. 180
16 pages softcover stapled booklet. Crochet: yokes, turbans, vests and pullover, hat and bag, crocheted lapels to put on a suit jacket, blouse, play shoes aka crocheted wedgies.
Scans donated by Clara Bruning, edited by Sytske Wijnsma.
I-WB125 The Workbasket Vol. 12 No. 5
Folded strip of paper, 8 pages., page 4 and 5 combined into one. Crochet: Tea Rose Card Table Cover and pan holder. Another pan holder, combination of crochet and cross-stitched rose. Knitting: Knitted lace. Quilting: Ships A-Sailing Quilt
From the collection of Sarah Dalton, scanned by Seya Wijnsma-Spek, edited by Sytske Wijnsma. Published with kind permission of F+W Media, the current copyright holder.
F-IS043 Vereinigte Stickmuster Verlag H.K.B. 6251 – Three roses on a floral ground
Handpainted pattern on cream cardboard. Three roses around a striped square, standing on a floral ground.
Scan donated by Jackie Isler, from the collection of her grandmother Helen Balmat Gorman, edited and charted by Sytske Wijnsma.